Ten minutes ahead of the earliest time slot available, my first basket has been delivered. Small talk and money are exchanged quickly. I can't wait to be left alone with my treasure chest. Behind closed doors I start inspecting its contents...
- Green asparagus
- Green lettuce
- Red curly lettuce
- a slice of papaya
- strawberries
- 3 different types of courgette
- carrots
- green peppers
- leeks
- half a (huge) white cabbage
- red cabbage
- beetroot
- bananas
- tomatoes
- onions
There is a couple of things I can't quite identify:
- the green leaves on the left (they are not spinach)
- yellow tomatoes, maybe ?
Some research will be required. If you know what it is, please, do let me know.
My fridge looks like a rainbow now! Doesn't it all look appetizing?
Sure, some of the stuff is a bit bruised and the shapes and sizes are irregular but isn't that what ecological / organic produce is supposed to be? I can't wait to get my fingers dirty washing, chopping and prepearing all this goodness!
Even better news, there is a note attached to the box saying that if I leave a comment on their facebook page, I get a €1 discount on my next order. Happy days!
And happy, healthy eating everyone!
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