Oct 26, 2012

Bring back that verse VI

"He aprendido a contentarme, cualquiera que sea mi situación."
Filipenses 4:11b

"I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."
Philippians 4:11b

http://www.bible.com/ (KJV & RV)

Oct 23, 2012

Small random acts of kindness


Phrases like: "smile, it doesn't cost you nothing and might do someone's day", "treat others like the way you would like to be treated" and "the best things in life are for free" have been hovering around me lately. And then kindness came to mind this morning.

It got me thinking: what would an act of kindness consist in? 

Of course everything is relative in life - what I consider kind might seem stupid to someone else. And something that wasn't intended as such might come across as rude to the receiving party. 

But in general heart-felt, genuine kindness, shows.

One little thing I do is I let somebody go ahead of me at the bus queue. Only one person, mind you, so the people behind me don't start giving out to me. Think about it: what is the point of starting an argument? "I was here first", "the real queue is THIS way", etc.? The bus is not leaving until we are all on board, anyway. Same applies to planes, by the way. 

And in my experience, everybody seems happier after such small little gesture.

So, what is your favourite small random act of kindness? 

* * *

If you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy this other one too: kindness = happinness (post in Spanish, though).