Jan 30, 2014

January 2014's Joy Jar

As usual it takes me a while to post the previous months review. Maybe I should make it my resolution to post them in a more timely fashion! :-)

Running achievements: 
  • While I was visiting my parents in my hometown I went running with my brother-in-law. I am usually a lone runner but running with him it was a pleasure: he is much fitter than I am but he was very patient, sensitive and flexible to adapt to my limitation. It's all about running with the right partner, I guess.  
  • I registered for the 10K race on the 1st of March, Music Marathon Festival in Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote. Time to go shopping for those proper running shoes once and for all!
Writing: On top of my usual contributions I wrote a few articles for Lanzarote Information of which I particularly proud of: 

Cleaning: I give away some clothes & shoes to a friend. In order not to aggravate the already obvious lack of space in my closet I also made two decisions:
  • try not to buy anything new unless I really need it (like the running shoes I mentioned above!)
  • in case I can do without buying something, I have to get rid off at least the equivalent amount or more 

And finally, next month is my birthday. Last year it was a big 0 one but I didn't really treat myself to anything extra special. So this year I did it. It's being ordered but I don't want to spoil the surprise... watch this space, I'll keep you posted!

This is the post that started this year's resolutions: Joy Jar. 

MFT # 14 - Las Nanis de Nani

I don't quite remember how I came across these for the first time but I remember secretly promising to treat myself to a pair one day. 

These unique custom made Converse style sneakers are hand painted. 

You choose the theme: your favourite band or artist, modern or a legend, a cartoon character, a hero, a hobby, a place, your pet, your club, a sport... let your imagination go: the sky is the limit!

These are just a few of my favourite ones - which one do you prefer?

You can see more examples or follow Nani's work on his facebook page or his blog

And if you decide to get a pair, tell him Susana sent you!

Did you like them? You might also enjoy some of my other favourite things.

Jan 20, 2014

2014 New Year Resolutions: fill a jar

In 2013 I made only 4 resolutions and I reported back monthly on whether I kept them (or I failed). Writing about them every month made me "not forget" them. 

So keeping it simple and reviewing periodically was a great help for me. 

This year, in order not to get bored I'm going to try a different approach. Instead of concentrating on a few resolutions, this year I'm going to keep a jar

The idea it's not new: you start the year with an empty jar and literally write down on a piece of paper any achievements, compliments, memories... good stuff that happens during the year. At the end of the year, you empty the jar and literally count your blessings

I tend to forget the good things in my life so this year I'm going to fill a jar with joy: A JOY JAR!

What do you think?
Have you ever kept a jar? Tell us about your experience!

Jan 19, 2014

NYR - December results

  • NYR # 1 - Run
I couldn't have finished the year on a bigger high. On the 8th of December at the Lanzarote International Marathon I beat my own personal best on a 10K race ever AND I did it just below an hour for the first... time... ever! More than pleased, considering the state I was in that day. Do you want to know the secret of my success? If I get enough enquires, I'll write a post about it.

DIY postcard on the runners' bag -
with peel off  black bits
to immortalise your time
Photo compliments of my friend Pam

  • NYR # 2 - Read
OK, they all can not be successes. I did read during last month, but didn't finish the book.

Result: fail

  • NYR # 3 - Eat
Although borderline with New Year's celebrations, I enjoyed even more preparing a variety of tapas with my mum too:

Photo compliments of Pau
She saw some of these on a supermarket leaflet and suggested to prepare some for New Year's Day. We washed, chopped, mixed, grated and cut as much as we could the day before, still in 2013, and only assembled them the next day. Does that count?

Thesse are the tapas we prepared
Avocado & Crab
Dates & Walnut
Cheese & Quince
Salmon Eggs
Tuna & Red peppers

and you can find the recepies here.

Also I am very proud to say that I baked with my mum the infamous banana muffins:

Don't remember baking at home since we were kids and we tried baking that orange sponge several times with (very) mixed results!


  • NYR # 4 - Walk 
I do keep walking the must but less often because his owner has more time to walk him. But I do join them for longer walks as often as I can. 

Result: passed 

Sumarising: 3 out of 4,  not bad at all. I have enjoyed doing this New Year's Resolution in 2013, even if often it took me a while to write the post. 

But I think that for 2014 I will do it somehow differently. 

Stayed tuned to see the new 2014 Resolutions!

Here is the post that started it all: New Year Resolutions for 2013.