Apr 20, 2020

Music, lyrics & photography by Kelly Maree

We dance in the moonlight and smile at our full life
As I breathe in the wonder of you
Oh we are taken to places familiar the faces
Not knowing the path that we’ll choose.

And it’s easy to forget what we’re here for To live for the moment that lasts a lifetime
And I can tell you, that destiny’s secrets
Are the dreams that you conquer
Within your own mind.

We play in the fire of dangerous desire 
And wait for the dawn of the sun
For all I have known is the love that you’ve shown 
as we silently meld into one.

* chorus *

There were mysteries spoken and promises broken 
I think to pass time now and then, 
The future’s for real but this day we can feel 
all the meaning of carpe diem.

* chorus *

The dreams that you capture, they’re comin straight atcha 
And the memories I’ll treasure them all.

CarpeDiemCaligraphy © Susana Fondón

Apr 3, 2020

Help me help them - Initiative # 2: Tip Jars

As I said on my first "Help me help them" post, loads of free online initiativites have started to keep people entertainted -and somehow sane- during lockdown. 

One that I find myself drifting towards the most is hearing my favourite local musicians playing live on the internet. Another one is exercise classes, whether it's cardio or a more relaxing yoga. There are also poets and writers reading their own works or the ones they love, etc. You get the drift. 

I suspect they do it not only for our benefit but to keep themselves going too!

Often these people who are helping to keep our spirits have lost all or a big chunk of  their income - as a load of us have, too. Some of them have started online "tip jars", most of the time via PayPal accounts.

If you were to find it in your heart to thank them with a donation, no matter how small, I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated. 

Here is a list of the ones that I have found so far:


Adrian Bambrough: paypal.me/adrianbambrough
Ancor Velez Martin: azvelez@hotmail.com
Anthony. Lanzarote: paypal.me/AnthonyCummins1960
Camy Tardieupaypal.me/camytardieu
Carolyn Foy (Betty Boops Fun Bar Lanzarote): carolyn_foy@yahoo.co.uk
Collie Farrell: paypal.me/Collie22 
Conor Sloanepaypal.me/conorsloanemusic
Concrete Jungle: www.buymeacoffee.com/ConcreteJungle
Danielle Moody - The Good Mood Yogapaypal.me/thegoodmoodyogalanza
Danny Tagg, Stephen Mooney: paypal.me/dannytagg
David Timmons: paypal.me/davidjamestimmons
Derek Dex Walsh: paypal.me/DEXLANZAROTE
Ellen & Steve: paypal.me/Ellenandsteve
Fiddlestix: paypal.me/FiddlestixLanzarote
Gayle O'Donovan: paypal.me/huskyhussy
Gerie B: paypal.me/gerieB
James Lynch: paypal.me/jamesplynch
Joey Bracken: paypal.me/DublinJoe
Jon Gold: paypal.me/jongoldlanz
Liam Davies Music: paypal.me/liamdaviesmusic
Liam O'Sullivan: paypal.me/liamsgigs
Mark Cann / The Perfect Circuspaypal.me/theperfectcircus
Mary Gray / DJ Miss Marvel: paypal.me/marymarvel22
Massimiliano Patini: paypal.me/maxpatini
Massimo Santaluciapaypal.me/maxsantalucia
Marcus Rose: paypal.me/marcusrosemusic?locale.x=en_US
Mick Bennet: paypal.me/mickbennett50
Mick GarryPaypal.me/mgmusic15
Mick De Musickmaker & Margaret Moloney / MDM & MM Musicpaypal.me/MickMargaretTipJar
Pedro Ruiz Music: PayPal.me/pedroruizmusic
Question: paypal.me/pauljosephcarty
Ricky Lee: paypal.me/rickylee84
Roberta Marsella: paypal.me/robymarsy
Ryan M- Entertainerpaypal.me/ryanmentertainer
Siobhan Honan Bell: paypal.me/siobhanhbell
Sly G.: paypal.me/slygiordano
Stewart Simpsonpaypal.me/StewartJohnSimpson
The Blaggers at Dubliner: paypal.me/TheBlaggersLanzarote
The Good Old Dayspaypal.me/goodolddayslanzarote
The Perfect Circuspaypal.me/theperfectcircus
The Ska Duopaypal.me/theskaduo
Wanda Knight: paypal.me/pools/c/8nSNRTxASs
Zsolt Kovacspaypal.me/Zsoltipianista

Ireland / Scotland:
Ger O'Donnellpaypal.me/xmascd 
Griffin Delaneywww.gofundme.com/f/Tunes4Dsoul
John Spillanepaypal.me/johnspillanemusic
Jon Warrenpaypal.me/pools/c/8nt0Gejito
Rory and The Islandpaypal.me/roryLiveLink
Sean Magee Musicpaypal.me/SeanMagee
Sharon Shannonpatreon.com/sharonshannonmusic
We Banjo 3paypal.me/webanjo3 

(Last update: 01-09-2020)

If you know of any other, please email them to me at sfondon@hotmail.com.Thank you.