I like the idea of having New Year Resolutions. Specially if I consider the the new trends, like make them specific, realistic and time constrained in order to stick to them AND accomplish them. Some ideas have already started to form in my head. More of that soon. I promise.
But the idea of looking back into our accomplishments in the last 12 months also seems a very valid way of closing the year. Specially for those like me who find it hard to remember my accomplishments. It makes me feel grateful.
Here are some of the top of my head, in no particular order:
- Volunteered to teach literacy to immigrants
- Got a job at a language school... teaching! (amongst many other jobs that keep me afloat)
- Attended some craft workshops: initiation to patchwork, ganchillo XL and needle felting, the results of which still surprise me
- Bought myself a little 2nd hand car
- Did 3 runs (Santi Centelles, Cochinilla Trail and Gran Hotel Arrecife ) and volunteered for a 4th one (Lanzarote Music Marathon)
- planted a tree (well, a few plants!)
- helped to co-ordinate a Cochinilla walk and workshop - God knows it took several attempts but the outcome was an extremely enjoyable day! Diane Lawton, who attended the event, used some of my photos for her post on her blog "Journey of a Creative Spirit". Very chuffed about it!
- for the first time in my life I did my own Christmas cards, yippie! Very limited edition, only 5, so consider yourself VERY lucky if you got one
- and I made some new friends along the way, not all of them human!!!!
The most recent accomplishment was as short as unexpected: I rode a motorbike!!!! Well, only as a passenger. But I did it. Whoa, and the experience's and the repercussions still undetermined!!!! I might have to re-write this one into my NYRs!!!!
In summary faced some of my fears - 2012 was after all the year of living fearlessly - got some scars along the way but ended up smiling at the other end of each tunnel.
May the seeds planted this year bring their fruit!
Happy New 2013!!!!!