Ok, ok, I'm a bit delayed about the New Year Resolutions since it's already February! Well, it's still New Year... in China!
I've tried to keep them short & sweet: not too many AND achievable ones I hope:
- NYR # 1 - Run: run more, run faster but above all, run regularly.
There is a more ambitious goal lurking there, but I don't spoil the surprise. Or maybe I don't want to feel ridiculous when (if) I fail. I don't quite know. I'll keep you posted!
January's result: passed. I did run 8 times, which is an average of twice a week. Started with my usual 15 minutes & increased the distance and the time up to 35 minutes. Pretty chuffed about it.
- NYR # 2 - Read: read more, read faster... no, just kidding.
I enjoy reading but I find it hard to find time. But I enjoy reading so one book a month (or at least have one on the go) doesn't seem to difficult to do. I just need to swap book for my laptop when going to bed and sorted!
January's result: passed. See my post about books that I've read if you are interested in knowing which book I read. * * *Spoiler alert* * * Or just look at the picture in this post.
- NYR # 3 - Eat: eat more, eat faster... hahahaha!
Seriously, I have always considered that I have a pretty healthy diet. But I wanted it to be healthier and more varied. I don't particularly enjoy cooking as a necessity but I do enjoy when I venture to to try new things and I set my mind to it. So it's a win-win, really. I'm going to try at least one of the recipes from my school friend Ivana Rosario's book: My little things: cocina con Ivana. My sister gave it to me as a Christmas present and I just love it! I will also try to buy one new food, spice, herb, etc when I go food shopping.
January's results: passed. I did try the apple & chicken sandwiches for an impromptu picnic with my friend Barbarella. Yummy! And I bought some coriander, soy burgers and soy milk.I know, I know, nothing too adventurous, but certainly different from my current diet. AND I attended a workshop on general nutrition at the Albergue de Tegoyo in Mácher (Lanzarote) by Natalia Jackson, from El Nutricionista Verde, which I enjoyed enormously.
- NYR # 4 - Walk: walk more, walk faster but above all... ok, ok, I'll stop now.
I do enjoy walking, partly because I just do, partly because I didn't have a car until recently and I hate taking taxis on my own. But now that I have a car, I promised myself I would make more of an effort to keep fit, alongside the running. So I walk as much as I can around town and I would like to do a hiking route once a month or every two months.
January's result: passed. I do still walk around town all the time and I have done one guided hiking tour and a lovely improvised walk, part of the earlier mentioned impromptu picnic.
So, I haven't done too bad for not having put too much thinking into it, have I?
We are almost half way through February, so you won't have to wait too long too see if I managed to stay on track. Not so well with the running, I must say. Little relapse due to birthday celebrations... Will I or won't I keep my NYR this month?
Keep tuned to find out!