Sep 4, 2014

10 books that have stayed with me

My initial reaction to this type of challenges usually is to turn them down, to ignore them, basically. 

But every now and then, a challenge worth taking comes up. 
Like this one.  It went along the lines...

"I have been challenged by [insert here the name of the challenger] to name 10 books that I have read that have stayed with me. I then challenge 10 others to do the same! 

I might find some more gems in amongst yours! 
Here it goes:

1. to 10. 

Now I challenge such & such to do the same. 

Don't spend too long thinking just the ones that are on the tip of your tongue! Have fun" 

So I did. 

I jotted down the first 10 books that came to mind. Whether they are proper literature or simply chick lit. I don't care. I remember them because they had an impact on me when I read them. 

Then I felt like I had to justify my choices somehow, even if briefly. Or maybe (just maybe), someone might be curious about my reasons. 

But the social network on which I was challenged wasn't the place for that. 

I thought, hey, that's why I have a blog!

I decided to have some fun too, nothing too heavy, so here it goes:

1. The Bible
I had quite a religious upbringing and I remember fondly the Sunday School classes with all those biblical stories and occasionally learning verses by heart. It's come in handy every now and then, long before all those inspirational posts on the social networks. It's inpired my series of posts called "Bring back that verse"

2. "El zulo" 
by Fernando Lalana
As a teenager I had to read this in school. Loved this mystery with a love story and sense of humor thrown in the mix. Couldn't put it down & finished it in record time. 

3. "Viaje al país de los lacetas" 
by Sebastiá Sorribas
The very first book I read, telling a "road-trip" adventure of some pre-historic kids that were my ancestors. I picked out of the bookshelf to read on Fridays during "library hour" in school. The school year ended but I hadn't finished reading the book. So I bought it and finished it during my summer holidays. It started my love affair with bookshops and books. 

4. "Le petit prince" 
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Discovered thanks to a Spanish TV Series -who said TV couldn't be educational?

5. "La sirena de Famara" 
by Ismael Lozano Latorre
A love story set in the island where I currently reside: Lanzarote.

6. "La sombra del viento" 
by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
One of those that intrigued me from the beginning: surely the wind can't cast a shadow? Books and Barcelona. Hooked again. 

7. "The Gift" 
by Cecilia Ahern
Spontaneous purchase on my way to my summer holidays. Maybe because of some personal stuff I was going through myself, but it will always remind me of the gift of appreciating what's important in life

8. "The Outsiders" 

by Susan E. Hinton
Yes, I did prefer the book despite of the eye candy on the movie adaptation. And yes, I did cry while reading it. 

9. "Against all Odds" 
by Margaret Sherlock
I had the pleasure of meeting the author when I interviewed her when she was launching this book's sequel "Blind Thruth". Now I am proud to call her my friend. An intriguing story than when you start, you can't put down! 

10. "Eat pray love" 
by Elizabeth Gilbert
What draw me to this book it wasn't the fact that it was a best seller, but the fact that a guy had recommended it to a female friend of mine. Plus the unlike trio on the title. What would those three things have in common?  Needless to say that I did go through my own emotional voyage while reading it.  I was also very pleasantly surprised to discover the author's entertaining talk about creativity, which I highly recommend.  Did you also know that the movie "Coyote Ugly" was based on an article she wrote about her experience working in a bar? Gosh, that woman has lived!

So, here you go, a little glimpse at why I chose these books.

I hope you enjoyed it. 

(Also, feel free to considered yourself challenged and leave your top 10 books in the comments below!)