Dec 1, 2017


serralada puja i baixa 
serralada en ziga zaga
serralada que el cel retalla
fins a besar la mar salada

(Puerto del Carmen, 1 de desembre del 2011)

Nov 28, 2017

Micro cuento agridulce: "El último beso"

El primer beso a menudo lo ves venir, lo intuyes, lo buscas, lo sueñas, lo deseas, se materializa. El último, no.

Nov 1, 2017

Évidemment - France Gall

Y a comme un goût amer en nous
Comme un goût de poussière dans tout
Et la colère qui nous suit partout

Y a des silences qui disent beaucoup
Plus que tous les mots qu'on avoue
Et toutes ces questions qui ne tiennent pas debout

On danse encore
Sur les accords
Qu'on aimait tant

On rit encore
Pour les bêtises
Comme des enfants
Mais pas comme avant

Et ces batailles dont on se fout
C'est comme une fatigue, un dégoût
A quoi ça sert de courir partout
On garde cette blessure en nous
Comme une éclaboussure de boue
Qui n'change rien, non, qui change tout

On danse encore
Sur les accords
Qu'on aimait tant

On rit encore
Pour des bêtises
Comme des enfants
Mais pas comme avant

On danse encore
Sur les accords
Qu'on aimait tant

On rit encore
Pour des bêtises
Comme des enfants
Mais pas comme avant
Non non
Pas comme avant
Pas comme avant

Oct 25, 2017

Quote about being adored

'A toast before we go into battle. True love. In whatever shape or form it may come. May we all in our dotage be proud to say, "I was adored once too." '

Gareth [Simon Callow] at Four Weddings and a Funeral.

Sep 29, 2017

Love song by Bill Bailey

I was alone
My heart was cold
It was a stone
My soul was lonely
Like a stone
There was no moss

And when I danced
I danced alone
But then I did not dance
Because I was alone
So I did not dance

I shuffled through life invisible
To all happy couples
Who would mock me
With their merry laughter
Ha ha ha

The only sound I heard
In my lonely silent world
Was the rusty hammer of my heart
Nailing at the hatred in my soul

But then you came...

And my life was turned upside down
You showed me the beauty
Of the things that I had never seen
Like the snowflake that melts on the eyelash of a startled deer

Or the painting of a dog
That wears a deerstalker and smokes a pipe
That made you laugh so heartily
That I previously thought was rubbish

Or the duck that lands so clumsily on a frozen pond in winter
But the intoxicating power of our love
Transforms this simple act into an anthropomorphic drama
Where Mr Duck's embarrassed and the other ducks are laughing
'Quack quack quack quack quack'

And then you left

And I have died a thousand deaths
And I will die a thousand more
I thought you were an angel
You turned out to be a whore

And everything is turned to dust
And everything is infected with a plague
When you had to sleep with Craig

'Oh, he's so sensitive'
'He's got a tattoo'
Yeah, and carving your name with a compass in my forehead
Was not enough for you?

The snowflake on the eye of the dear
Has turned to pus
That oozes from an open wound
The deer, now blinded, stumbles into a ravine

The duck lies shredded in a pancake
Soaking in the hoi sin of your lies

The dog has moved from the pipe
To 60 cigarettes a day
And coughs away his life
In the cold neon research lab

Of your betrayal
Of your betrayal

Sep 24, 2017

Quote - A love song

"Hug, hold, squeeze and lick
Darling, I love you to bits
And I want to see your tits."


Bud Cort as Edgar's voice in Electric Dreams

Sep 23, 2017

Sep 17, 2017

Micro cuentos agridulces: "Un mundo un poco mejor"

Sin saberlo se cruzaban a diario de camino a sus respectivos trabajos. Casi a la misma hora, casi en el mismo lugar. Los dos cabizbajos, sumidos en sus propios pensamientos.
Un día ella lo vio y le sonrió. Él ni siquiera se dio cuenta. Hasta que un día se dio cuenta y le devolvió la sonrisa. Así pasaron los días y ya no iban tan ensimismados. Cuando se acercaban al punto de su cruce diario, levantaban la mirada y se sonreían. Un día ella musitó: "buenos días". Al día siguiente, él le devolvió el saludo. Y ahora, el camino al trabajo se hacía un poco más llevadero. Y el mundo era un lugar menos oscuro y hostil. Un poco mejor.

Sep 13, 2017

Quote about time

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die."

Batty [Rutger Hauer] in Blade Runner.

Sep 12, 2017

Sep 11, 2017

Colourful songs to brighten up your day

I love these three songs:
  • "Black is Black" by Los Bravos

  • "Colours" by Donovan

They are all very different but one thing they have in common: they mention several colours in their lyrics. 

Did you know they all? 
Which is your favourite?

And do you know any other one other than these that mentions at least 3 colours?

For example, Back to Black by Amy Winehouse or Black and Gold by Sam Sparro wouldn't qualify for this post because they only mention one or two colours. 

Sep 7, 2017

Quote about aging gracefully

Gabrielle [Audrey Hepburn]: You're not middle aged, Mr. Benson. In fact I think you're remarkably well preserved.

Richard [William Holden]: As chilling a compliment as I've ever received, Miss Simpson.

In: Paris When It Sizzles.

Sep 6, 2017

Micro cuentos agridulces: "Recorrido"

Solamente dió un paso. Al día siguiente dió otro. Y al otro, otro. Y otro. Y otro... Hasta que un día levantó la cabeza y al mirar atrás, se dió cuenta de lo mucho que había avanzado. 

Sep 5, 2017

Quote about zest for life

Richard [William Holden]: You really like it, don't you.
Gabrielle [Audrey Hepburn]: What?


Oh! Every morning when I wake up and I see there's a whole new other day, I just go absolutely ape!

In: Paris When It Sizzles

Sep 2, 2017

Micro cuentos agridulces: "Ilusionada"

Esa sonrisa tontorrona que se te dibuja en los labios cuando estás a solas. Y cuando te das cuenta, se te ensancha el alma. Aunque no sea cierto todavía.

Aug 30, 2017

Quote about courage

Benjamin Mee [Matt Damon]: You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.

In: We Bought a Zoo

Aug 29, 2017

Quoting quotes

One thing I have always likes is quotes that inspire me, motivate me, make me laugh.

They may come from movies, books, TV series, songs... you name it. 

I decided I would start a new section on my blog with my favourite quotes. 

So here it goes, the quotes section of this blog is officially open now. 

What are your favourite quotes?
How and where do you find them?

Micro cuentos agridulces: "Corazones rotos"

Ese instante en el que el tiempo se detiene y literalmente puedes sentir cómo se rompe tu corazón. Y te falta el aire. Y te quieres morir. Aún y sabiendo que también esto pasará y que un día volverás a sonreír.