Aug 30, 2017

Quote about courage

Benjamin Mee [Matt Damon]: You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.

In: We Bought a Zoo

Aug 29, 2017

Quoting quotes

One thing I have always likes is quotes that inspire me, motivate me, make me laugh.

They may come from movies, books, TV series, songs... you name it. 

I decided I would start a new section on my blog with my favourite quotes. 

So here it goes, the quotes section of this blog is officially open now. 

What are your favourite quotes?
How and where do you find them?

Micro cuentos agridulces: "Corazones rotos"

Ese instante en el que el tiempo se detiene y literalmente puedes sentir cómo se rompe tu corazón. Y te falta el aire. Y te quieres morir. Aún y sabiendo que también esto pasará y que un día volverás a sonreír.