Sep 8, 2020

Apps y webs para biocosmética

Recientemente he asistido a los 3 módulos del taller de biocosmética impartido por la bellísima Daliana Aponte Sira de IKOA Naturaleza en el mágico enclave de la Finca Tisalaya en Lanzarote y su fabulosa anfitriona Siona.

¡Mil gracias por los conocimientos y los ratos compartidos!

Durante las clases se mencionaron diferentes recursos en línea, tanto aplicaciones como páginas web, que pueden ser útiles a la hora de seguir profundizando en este maravilloso mundo de la cosmética natural.

APLICACIONES (todas ellas gratuitas)
Análisis de cosméticos y alimentación. Comprueba con una foto de la etiqueta qué ingredientes de los cosméticos o de la comida pueden ser perjudiciales para tu salud y mucho más.

Calculadora de saponificación. 

myRemedy: Plantas medicinales y sus usos 
La de la tacita verde :-)
Ofrece de una manera clara y muy bien organizada las propiedades y los principales usos terapéuticos de las plantas medicinales.

La de la zanahoria :-) 
Yuka descifra las etiquetas de tus productos alimentos y cosméticos a través del código de barras. Con un sistema de semáforo (rojo = malo, ámbar = mediocre, verde = bueno) para un resultado muy visual, da también información más detallada y alternativas más sanas de los productos escaneados.

Botanical Online
Información sobre plantas medicinales, propiedades de los alimentos, dietas saludables, medicina natural, remedios caseros y mucho más. 

Gran Velada 
La tienda online más completa de productos hazlo tú mismo, glicerina, esencias, micas, ceras, parafinas, envases, moldes, pigmentos, etiquetas, aceites, etc.

Webconsultas - Plantas medicinales
Noticias y artículos sobre plantas y sus poderes curativos.

La idea es irlas revisando una a una para hacer una reseña más detallada de cada una. 

Para seguir compartiendo y aprendiendo, si conoces y utilizas una app o una web que te resulta útil, no dudes en compartirlas conmigo y las añadiré muy gustosamente. 

May 21, 2020

Carta de desamor abierta a todos los hombres o Tu cobardía es mi dolor

Querido hombre, 

Parafraseando a Bob Marley, no me seduzcas si no tienes intención de amarme. 

Veo tu sonrisa, oigo tu carcajada, me envuelve el aroma de tu piel, tus manos rozan la mía y el sabor de tus besos me dejan sin sentido. 

Pero de un día para otro, sin explicación alguna, desapareces de mi vida. Las noches de pasión se convierten en noches en vela. Me pregunto constantemente "¿qué pasó?" sin hallar respuesta.

Y cuando te vea por la calle de la mano de otra, no confundas mi educación con mi perdón. Ni alardees de tus conquistas para tus adentros diciendo "¡qué tontas son!".  No me arrebates también la poca dignidad que me dejaste.  

Quizás en el futuro me veas feliz, y tal vez incluso con el tiempo hasta te sonría. Y piensas "¿Ves? No era para tanto". No te confundas, no dudes nunca que tu falta de hombría hace mucho más daño del que es necesario. Y eso, ni yo ni nadie se lo merece. 

Leí hace poco que el que deja haciéndose el fantasma también sufre. Pues ¿sabes lo que te digo? Que merecido lo tienes, por cobarde. Ese es el precio que tienes que pagar por tu pecado.

Que no hay falta de respeto y crueldad más grande que despertar el amor en una mujer solo para romperle el corazón en pedazos más tarde. 

Un corazón espinado

Apr 20, 2020

Music, lyrics & photography by Kelly Maree

We dance in the moonlight and smile at our full life
As I breathe in the wonder of you
Oh we are taken to places familiar the faces
Not knowing the path that we’ll choose.

And it’s easy to forget what we’re here for To live for the moment that lasts a lifetime
And I can tell you, that destiny’s secrets
Are the dreams that you conquer
Within your own mind.

We play in the fire of dangerous desire 
And wait for the dawn of the sun
For all I have known is the love that you’ve shown 
as we silently meld into one.

* chorus *

There were mysteries spoken and promises broken 
I think to pass time now and then, 
The future’s for real but this day we can feel 
all the meaning of carpe diem.

* chorus *

The dreams that you capture, they’re comin straight atcha 
And the memories I’ll treasure them all.

CarpeDiemCaligraphy © Susana Fondón

Apr 3, 2020

Help me help them - Initiative # 2: Tip Jars

As I said on my first "Help me help them" post, loads of free online initiativites have started to keep people entertainted -and somehow sane- during lockdown. 

One that I find myself drifting towards the most is hearing my favourite local musicians playing live on the internet. Another one is exercise classes, whether it's cardio or a more relaxing yoga. There are also poets and writers reading their own works or the ones they love, etc. You get the drift. 

I suspect they do it not only for our benefit but to keep themselves going too!

Often these people who are helping to keep our spirits have lost all or a big chunk of  their income - as a load of us have, too. Some of them have started online "tip jars", most of the time via PayPal accounts.

If you were to find it in your heart to thank them with a donation, no matter how small, I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated. 

Here is a list of the ones that I have found so far:


Adrian Bambrough:
Ancor Velez Martin:
Anthony. Lanzarote:
Carolyn Foy (Betty Boops Fun Bar Lanzarote):
Collie Farrell: 
Concrete Jungle:
Danielle Moody - The Good Mood
Danny Tagg, Stephen Mooney:
David Timmons:
Derek Dex Walsh:
Ellen & Steve:
Gayle O'Donovan:
Gerie B:
James Lynch:
Joey Bracken:
Jon Gold:
Liam Davies Music:
Liam O'Sullivan:
Mark Cann / The Perfect
Mary Gray / DJ Miss Marvel:
Massimiliano Patini:
Marcus Rose:
Mick Bennet:
Mick De Musickmaker & Margaret Moloney / MDM & MM
Pedro Ruiz Music:
Ricky Lee:
Roberta Marsella:
Ryan M-
Siobhan Honan Bell:
Sly G.:
The Blaggers at Dubliner:
The Good Old
The Perfect
The Ska
Wanda Knight:

Ireland / Scotland:
Ger O' 
Rory and The
Sean Magee
We Banjo 

(Last update: 01-09-2020)

If you know of any other, please email them to me at you. 

Mar 27, 2020

Help me help them - Initiative # 1: Thank you for the music

If something good comes out of troubled times, in my opinion, is ta stronger sense of community arises. 

Since the enforced lockdown 
started, due to the current sanitary emergency, I have seen initiatives popping up everywhere to help people stay sane, pass the time, keep the kids busy, cheer everybody up, etc. 

One of the first initiatives I saw was by a friend of mine who is a Hungarian musician living here in the beautiful island of Lanzarote:

According to google it translates as something like:

"Hi everyone!

I'm going to try the "impossible".

Although I have no videos yet, I plan to share a few things. (Note: since his post on the 24th of March, 2020 till today, he has already loaded 6 videos!). 

YouTube is paying the channels' owner after reaching more than 1,000 subscribers. This is how if we subscribe to each other's channels, we help each other. Here is mine. (

Sign up and copy yours in a comment so that I follow you and others can follow you.
Let's help each other with this too!
Take care of yourself and each other!

Musicians have been one of the first collectives to offer their concerts / gigs online for free to get us through the current times. I think it's a brilliant idea to show them our appreciation.

So, help me help them, please.

Support your favourite bands, local musicians, etc by:
1) looking up their YouTube channels
2) subscribing to them
3) watching their videos, making comments, sharing them...
4) encouraging other people to follow this initiative.

I guess it also works for anyone that has a YouTube channel, not only musicians but artists of all types: trainers, educators, speakers, crafters, make-up artists, gardeners, cooks... and a long, long etc.

And if you have a YouTube channel yourselves, don't forget to return the subscription to any one that subscribes to yours!

(Incidentally, I almost forgot I have channel myself - that how much I use it! LOL - in case anyone is interested here is the link.)


Have you seen any other initiatives that use social media to help each other out?

Last upated: 03-Apr-2020

Here is a list of the music channels I suggest you check out:
Some are albeit quite outdated / not in use. Hey, why don't you take this opportunity to contact your favourite musician an encourage them to upload new stuff to their channels?

Mar 15, 2020

3 less plastic things in my life

The amount of plastic that we use on our everyday life is astonishing. You only have to look at the news or read a paper and you see how much plastic is invading our seas and our waters.

Also, because I live in an island, the currents bring a lot of that plastic and other rubbish to our shores. I even started volunteering every now and then, with different volunteer groups in the island doing beach clean ups. 

However the more I see, the more I'm convinced that while recycling is good and beach clean-ups are necessary, the answer to dramatically reduce the plastic invasion is by changing the way things are produced and preserved. 

Over the last year I have been seriously thinking about how, as a simple consumer, I can contribute to that.

So I have been changing some of the things I use on a regular basis for others either without plastic, with biodegradable materials or more durable/easier to recycle materials. 

Today I bring you three examples of plastic things that I used to buy that now are made of paper. 

-Shopping bags
I have longlife shopping bags which I try to use as much as possible. But we all foget them in the house or in the car, even easily foldable ones. But I'm lucky enough that the local supermarket that I use the most have introduced paper shopping bags. Afterwards,  I reuse these for carrying things or even to store paper and carboard to bring to the recycling bin.

 -Cotton buds
When I was looking for alternatives to the plastic ones I found silicone and bamboo reusable ones. In the end, I ended up using this ones that have the "stick" in the middle made of paper. Remember how lollypops used to have paper sticks too before? I used  to have fun trying to unroll it once I had eaten the sweet! How come it took so long to make cotton buds the same way?
As anybody who's clean a beach will know lollypop / cotton bud plastic sticks are one of the most common things to find.

I had tried other types of more durable deodorants, the mineral rock type, but never really got used to it. I was missing some sort of nice scent that traditional spray, stick or roll-on ones have. And although I have to say I do miss the spray format I used to use, these paper wrapped stick ones are lovely, not so different from any of the old stick deodorants, but with the advantage that the packaging is less polutting than the plastic ones.  

My goal is to keep replacing or even eliminating altogether, bit by bit, as many plastic in my life as possible. 

What plastic things have you replaced in your like with paper?