Mar 28, 2011

A person's day in numbers

Like the song goes: what a difference a day makes? Just 24 little hours...

Here are some of the "numbered" daily recomendations I could come up with:
  • 8 hours sleep a day
  • 8 minutes meditation a day
  • 5 a day - fruit & veg
  • 3 a day - good positive thoughts
  • brush your teeth twice a day (at least!)
  • 1 a day vitamins / supplements
  • 1 a day Actimel / probiotic drink
  • 1 good action every day
  • 1 thing learnt every day
  • 1 apple a day
  • 1 spoonful of honey
  • ...

And then, totally unrelated - except they have numbers in their title, some "numbered" songs:
  • 99 problems (Jay Z's song but I prefer Hugo's version)
  • 99 red baloons
  • 3 is a magic number
  • Just the 2 of us
  • ...
By no means the list is comprehensive, feel free to suggest your personal own...

Mar 18, 2011

S.O.S. - ¡Socorro!

I recently realised one of the reasons why we are better at helping others rather than helping ourselves. It's life's humble way of teaching us to rely on each other.

Do you know any other reasons?


Recientemente me he dado cuenta de uno de los motivos porqué es más fácil ayudar a los demás que a nosotros mismos. Es la manera que la vida tiene de enseñarnos humildemente a apoyarnos mútuamente.

¿Sabes algún otro motivo?