Mmmmmm, 49.5Kg but with clothes on...
Not doing so well.
I must confess I'm not following a very scientific approach to this "let's-reach-50Kg-so-I-can-donate-blood" thingy.
I feel I am eating better and more. It might just be a feeling, though. I do have lapsus when I eat less or even stretch non-eating times (sounds better than skipping meals, which I don't like doing, anyhow).
In a couple of occasions recently I have reached 50Kg after a big meal, like New Year's Eve's or last week at a banquet at some friends house. But I felt extremely full afterwards and I knew I wasn't going to be able to "hold" the weight reached. Food binging, no matter how yummy it might be, doesn't do it for me either.
On the contrary, I'm trying to eat healthier by buying raw ingredients and more fruit (if I have it, at least there is a bigger change I'll eat it, I hate seeing food going to waste.
I'm making a bigger effort to exercise as naturally and as enjoyable as I can. I'm trying (not always succeeding) to run more regularly, go for walks with my friends when they walk their dogs and just recently found out that there is a Zumba session literally just around the corner from my house at a suitable hour and even at a more reasonable price. I looooooooove Zumba!I attended my first class there yesterday and I realised how much I missed it. I'm not very good at it, but I have fun while I exercise!
And I have cut down on alcohol. Both my head and my pocket seem to be grateful, and I reckon there is some other unseen organ that might be smiling too.
So there you go, a small little update. Not much. But one step at a time. Slowly. But surely.
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