So as I was strolling I passed not 1, not 2 but 3 different opticians on the very same street in the space of 5 minutes! Hard to avoid comparing them. I thought, how would you choose one shop over another? Difficult task, you say? Nah!
How different these 3 establishments were!!!
- One didn´t even have any prices or offers
- Another had an offer on the window: if you buy a pair of glasses we give you this, this, this & that for free provided it´s not Wednesday afternoon and... blah, blah, blah...more small print & exceptions... blah, blah, blah, some more. I got bored even as I was walking. It didn´t even give a price or value of what the promotion was offering!!!!
- And the last one had 3 offers, on a standalone cardboard cut-outs, clearly visible and legible even from outside the shop:
- this price for prescription glasses,
- this other price for prescription sun glasses
- this price for both - slightly cheaper than the sum of the two previous offers, of course!
It isn´t rocket science. Or is it?
So here are my (humble & fool-proof) 3 tops suggestions for a good offer, whether it's in-store or online:
- have one, for goodness' sake!
- be clear, be specific but keep it simple
- promote it visibly in your store
Can you think of any other tip to make your offer stand out?
(please, keep it clean!)