Running achievements:
- While I was visiting my parents in my hometown I went running with my brother-in-law. I am usually a lone runner but running with him it was a pleasure: he is much fitter than I am but he was very patient, sensitive and flexible to adapt to my limitation. It's all about running with the right partner, I guess.
- I registered for the 10K race on the 1st of March, Music Marathon Festival in Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote. Time to go shopping for those proper running shoes once and for all!
- one about Lanzarote Natural and their new project "Vive Tinajo"
- one about vines up for sale and a free course on how to grow them organised locally
- and one about a photographic exhibition inspired on August Sander's work at Los Aljibes de Tahiche, one of my favourite restaurants & art gallery
Cleaning: I give away some clothes & shoes to a friend. In order not to aggravate the already obvious lack of space in my closet I also made two decisions:
- try not to buy anything new unless I really need it (like the running shoes I mentioned above!)
- in case I can do without buying something, I have to get rid off at least the equivalent amount or more
And finally, next month is my birthday. Last year it was a big 0 one but I didn't really treat myself to anything extra special. So this year I did it. It's being ordered but I don't want to spoil the surprise... watch this space, I'll keep you posted!
This is the post that started this year's resolutions: Joy Jar.